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Demonstration of the Hololens 2 headset

Demonstration of the Hololens 2 headset

Demonstration of the Hololens 2 augmented reality head-mounted device with results from research projects of the Intelligent Systems Laboratory. The demostration will be held for the general public in a central location of Mytilene city (Sappho Square) Organizer:...
Documentary, Mednight Expedition: the Ports of Science

Documentary, Mednight Expedition: the Ports of Science

Screening of the documentary “Mednight Expedition: the Ports of Science” in Myrina. This activity will be implemented by the Department of Food Science and Nutrition of the Aegean University, under the coordination of Science Communication –...
Green Energy production

Green Energy production

The Department of Environment of the Aegean University has designed a workshop about the hydrothermal processing technology and the production of biodiesel from waste. The workshop will be held for schools at Aegean University. Organizer: Department of Environment Run...