Jul 7, 2022 | Climate and clean energies, El Caleidoscopio
Comprobando que llega bien y modificando el texto de envio para dejarlo cuadrado
May 25, 2022 | Climate and clean energies, El Caleidoscopio, News
Mind the Lab (MTL) is a breakthrough science communication approach which aims to literally bring science to the general public through a “guerilla science” approach in order to target the untargeted and go beyond typical scientific research centres and hubs. It’s a...
May 17, 2022 | Climate and clean energies, El Caleidoscopio, News
¡Dimos lo mejor! Este álbum de fotos muestra las actividades de MEDNIGHT el 24 de septiembre de 2021.Científicas y científicos de varios países mediterráneos ofrecieron más de 300 actividades, convirtiendo a MEDNIGHT en una de las principales iniciativas de referencia...
Sep 9, 2021 | Climate and clean energies, Mednight TV, TV
Video explicativo del...
Jul 21, 2021 | Climate and clean energies, Future, News, Universitat Jaume I
The Ecophysiology and Biotechnology Group of the Universitat Jaume I will coordinate the OPTIMUS PRIME project, awarded within the PRIMA (Partnership for Research and Innovation in the Mediterranean Area) call, a European programme for the establishment of...
Jul 8, 2021 | Climate and clean energies, Sea and pollution, Uncategorized
A team of swimmers will swim the whole Costa Brava (120 kilometres) to raise funds for the sustainability project “Stop ghost fishing”, through the KAI project. This is a new action line created by the Swimming Club Radikal Swim, willing to support local initiatives...