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Importance of a healthy diet in the prevention of obesity and related pathologies, from infancy to senility

Our target is to illustrate simple techniques to improve the diet through portioned dishes, based on the color of food, household units of measurement and reasoned atlases of nutrition. We get children used to drawing what they eat, encouraging them to discover new flavours.

The use of food pyramids would be crucial for respecting the Mediterranean diet, considered a lifestyle, which provides an optimal intake of nutrients, strengthening the immune system with the contribution of antioxidants. Adequate nutrition prevents weight gain, improves the sleep-wake cycle and changes in mood. We develop the creative imagination with dietary recipes by practicing age-appropriate sporting activities.


Sep 29 2023


5:00 pm - 11:55 pm


Ciencia Ciudadana,
Píldoras informativas


Università degli Studi di Messina


Università degli Studi di Messina
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