Create your own vaccine
The main objective of this workshop is to recreate what happens in our body when we are infected with a virus, specifically, the SARS-CoV-2. Therefore, in this activity we will create a model of the human immune system and the coronavirus that infects it. It will be made with materials such as clay, ice cream sticks and toothpicks. Using this model, we will explain how the immune system works when the coronavirus infects the body, that is, how the immune response works. The vaccine against the virus will also be created. For this purpose, a plastic syringe will be used to simulate the vaccine. Inside the syringe, the children will have to introduce the necessary elements to generate the immune response in the body.
So the children will be able to understand:
How the immune system works (with the understanding of basic concepts related to vaccination such as “immunological memory”, “Antibodies” and “T Lymphocytes” and “immune response”).
What is a vaccine
What is a virus
What is SARS-CoV-2 and how does it work?
What types of SARS-CoV-2 vaccine are available today